A Box for Clare Balding

Kingsclere, Hampshire

All round broadcast journalist and author Clare Balding is an inspiration to me an many others, always seeming to exude positive, down-to-earth energy and the kind of person you would want for an auntie - kind, insightful, generous and always listening.

She is the presenter of ‘Ramblings’ on Radio 4 and each week she 'joins notable and interesting people for a walk through the countryside' (BBC). It sounds so innocuous, but to me and to countless others it's a breath of fresh air - a break in the day, and a reminder to stop and reflect.

Each person she walks with has a story to tell, a life story with twists and turns that resonate with many of us but the running theme is often how important the act of going for a walk with someone has been for them; side by side, in the private solitude of the countryside with time to offload and put things into perspective. A real catharsis.

It struck me that she and we have something in common - the recording of stories, albeit in different formats. On a whim I thought I'd contact her to ask if she would like me to make her a Contour Box and to cut a long story short she agreed.

“It’s always hard to find a present that's beautiful, personal and practical all at the same time but this stunning box, based on the contours of the Downs above Kingsclere was the answer. I’m so pleased with it, but more importantly so was my mum. A huge thanks to Tom Aylwin at Contour Boxes for the beautiful design.”

Clare Balding

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